Agent-to-Agent is a new model to prepare for: examples, use cases, and a prediction

You’ve heard of B2B and B2C, but what about:

A2A: AI Agent to AI Agent

In my recent newsletter, I outlined the model of B2A (Business to Agent). Now, let’s talk about when your agent talks to my agent.

One great example that hit my feed is a YouTube video where two AI agents recognize each other as agents and switch to a more efficient communication method—GGWave—a machine-friendly language.

Agent-to-agent communication is just the beginning. I envision a future where AI agents hire other AI agents to complete tasks. This is why we invested in Skyfire for agent identity and payments.

For businesses, AI agents will engage and collaborate with buyer-side AI agents—delivering always-on, personalized, and cost-efficient experiences, so that model will be B2A2A.

Primary Agent-to-Agent use cases:

  • Agent-to-Agent Communication – Retrieving, querying, and exchanging information. (most common)

  • Agent-to-Agent Brokering – Negotiating, bartering, and queueing requests.

  • Agent-to-Agent Transactions – Purchasing, exchanging assets, and automating payments.

  • Agent-to-Agent Hiring – Agents will recruit, contract, and manage other agents.

  • Agent-to-Agent Collaboration – Multi-agent teams will self-organize, govern and orchestrate to solve complex tasks.

Sci-Fi: Let’s push the thinking even further. In the mid-future, we’ll see autonomous AI organizations emerge—entirely comprised of AI agents. We won’t even know if they were created by humans. These agent swarms will communicate, offer services, generate revenue, and evolve by self-improving over time. I call this an Autonomous Organization.

In the mid-future, most digital transactions will be AI agents transaction with other AI agents; human conducting transactions will only be a small percentage. 

Want more agent content? I host regular events for the AI Agent tech founders called the AI Agent Congress, and interview them to publish these agent ecosystem map and this definition of AI Agents.

So there you have it: a new concept and term to know. But the implications for you, business, software, and society are massive: Agent-to-Agent. Write back to me with your thoughts.

Personal: I just returned from speaking on AI Agents at Dubai’s Step conference. At 5am this morning, I completed the CrossFit Open challenge, an annual, global fitness competition, photos on Instagram. Fitness is a non-negotiable for me, and is the foundation for me in my career and personal life.